Shades of green. Envy, that is. Friends are escaping the dreariness of the wet coast in winter; they've flown or are soon to fly the coop to Costa Rica, Mexico, Cuba, India, Belize, and yes, Hawaii. So I thought I'd pull out of the ante-digital vault proof, real film proof, of my previous life living on the Big Island of Hawaii while providing a needed infusion of lively greens, a sight for sore winter eyes.
Papaya and lilikoi |
Spiky fern |
Waipi'o moss and illi illi stones |
Papakolea Beach, green with olivine |
Rainbow eucalyptus |
The many greens of Ohe'o |
Bamboo |
Let me add to the list! Just heard that more friends are headed to the Bahamas, the Caribbean, San Diego and Mexico... Hope you all get sunburned - well, not really.