Friday, February 22, 2013

Spring in my Step

The snowdrops were one thing but now there's crocuses popping up, buds on the forsythia, and the grass only turns brown for two weeks in the summer so it does indeed look a lot like springtime in my neck of the woods.

First visit to our local park in much too long.

Hiking in Lynn Canyon.

Almost got the hang of it!

All dressed up...

Nothing like flinging sand in the sea

18 months old

On the ferry

A quiet moment in the sun

A-not-so quiet moment in the sun


  1. Love the shot of Benny and the truck. Looks like you took a ferry trip. Where did you go?

  2. I can really see you in Benny, Sierra. Nice to see the pictures. I still want to see one of you with short hair!

  3. We went to Bowen for the day to see how Riz and Karen's place is coming along. And yes, Tina, I seriously need to update my profile shot. I have zero photos of me! Will remedy that ASAP!
