Dear Blog,
I think we can all agree that summer is lovely, if too fleeting. By now we've strung together a few weeks of sunshine and surely there's more to come, but already the nights are getting dark noticeably earlier.

The green (and purple and yellow) beans are coming in, our first blackberries are turning our fingers purple, the apples have just begun to fall, and a generous neighbour has made deliveries of heaping bowls of local blueberries and a baker's dozen of Fraser Valley corn still wet with dew. We've spray parked, sprinklered, and road tripped. We've pool dipped, BBQ-ed, and picnicked. we've eaten peaches on beaches, scraped our knees, and had one good summer storm complete with thunder and lightening.
It was a chat at a preschooler's recent birthday party with Lisa Corriveau of that put my fingers in motion and my rear end in my desk chair and now I am ready to come back to you again... real soon, I promise.
Meanwhile, August is enchanting. Wish you were here.
We will be there ...soon! Glad to see you blogging again. Looking forward to reading your posts.
ReplyDeleteYay! New blog posts! Thanks for the mention! See you 'round the interwebz... Also, thanks for the submission to Kids at the Table. I finally added it today. Here's the link, if you want to go see: