It wasn't until I settled in my current city with my now-husband that we got our first TV off craigslist. My parents gave us their old VHS player and we'd rent video tapes from the library. (And yes, I realize just how very out of date that sounds now, eight years later, but imagine how peculiar it will sound to our kids in another eight!)
With those new-to-us technological advances I watched the entire series of Blackadder. It wasn't the first time I'd seen the show but I fell completely in love with the series and still give it top three ranking today. It was around this time that the current TV comeback was picking up momentum thanks to shows like The Wire and Six Feet Under. These programs were proving that shows could be better than movies, offering more in terms of character development and plot lines.
Here is a list of the shows I've watched in the past decade that I enjoyed, loosely organized chronologically.
- Deadwood
- Carnivale
- Life
- Californication
- Mad Men
- Breaking Bad
- Game of Thrones
- Sherlock
- Boardwalk Empire
- Downton Abbey
- Wallander
- The Hour
- Parade's End
- Black Mirror
You can see I've been on a BBC kick the last while (Thanks Dad).
Oh, and just for the sake of it: my top three TV shows of all time are Wallander, The Wire, and Blackadder.